The Blazing Star (Blazing Star #1)
by Imani Josey
by Imani Josey
I completely devoured this book like I discovered an oasis in the desert. I could not put it down.
Ms. Josey wrote real, relatable characters in Portia, Alex, and Selene; I feel like I know these girls and I need to know what they're up to now at the end of book one. [I'm calling this book one in the optimistic hopes that there will be a book two -- PLEASE let there be a book two!] The supporting characters were also wonderfully fleshed out, a real treat considering that the main conflict of the book includes discovering spies, and you really can't be sure of anyone.
I loved the setting and could really visualize what was happening. This would be an amazing movie. Can this be the next YA series everyone is obsessed with, please?
I also appreciated that the magical elements of the book are well explained; oftentimes in fantasy we just have to accept that someone has crazy powers and just deal with it. Here, we get a good explanation, with just enough Egyptian mythology to make you want to hit Wikipedia and make some assumptions about further plots.
I could write a lot more. In sum: I loved this book so. I'll certainly read it again, and strongly recommend it to not only young adults, but older kids and adults as well.
arc received from the publisher for review