Near the Bone
by Christina Henry
out April 13, 2021
ISBN: 9780593199763
by Christina Henry
out April 13, 2021
ISBN: 9780593199763
Mattie has been in the cabin in the woods with William for what seems like a lifetime. Sometimes she has fleeting thoughts of being a little girl, playing with Heather and doing typical little girl things -- but William always tells her that those are just tempting hallucinations planted in her mind by the devil, and why should she doubt him? He is her world: her husband, her disciplinarian, the only human with whom she has any contact. Plus, asking William questions will only invite further beatings.
But one day, when she is out in the woods checking the small game traps, she discovers an animal that has been brutally killed, but not eaten, unusual behavior for a predator. As she and William investigate what kind of predator could be sharing their woods and behaving in a way too organized and cruel for an animal, her fear of this predator begins eclipsing her fear of William.
Who is her greater threat? William or the creature? Can she survive either?
I read this book in two sittings but could have easily read it in one if my schedule permitted. An excellent mashup of creature horror and psychological human horror.
I would happily read another horror tale from this author.
arc received from the publisher for review